Double Page
This is my double page spread with an interview with my new band Hydrolic Empire.
When first entering a recording studio one might ask “What the heck do all these buttons mean?!” which was exactly what our interviewer said when meeting HE on their turf. Thankfully the lads were there to help explain with many grins shared at the stories of their antics in the strange room. JD Maxim, front man of the group and lead guitarist, told us “Yeah my first time in here was crazy. I was like ‘whoa what do these even mean’ when confronted with the microphone settings. But it’s all pretty straight forward when you get the hang of it. Now whenever we go to a studio we get straight into the music.”
After settling into the resident chairs and with glass of water at hand the real questioning began.
How did you meet as a group?
Matt Cottrell (Bass): We kinda just met at college, wandering round with guitars and long hair.
Lance Dickinson (Drums): I joined late when they needed a drummer who knew what he was doing.
Charr Streete (Guitar & Bass): We’re still looking for one.
Who makes the ideas for the songs?
JD: We sorta all pitch in. I mean, we throw out ideas and build around that though the score usually comes from Lance and lyrics from Matt and myself—
Charr: I’m just the eye candy.
The lads fall into a comfortable banter with each other saying their main roles and such.
JD: Well as front man I have to the most work with PR. Our manager handles a lot but we do the music exclusively.
Matt: Bass is challenging if your not prepared for the day. You have to actually concentrate sometimes.
Charr: I was going to make a sarcastic comment but no, bass is actually surprisingly hard. Though I play guitar as well, so I’m basically amazing.
JD: Or so he thinks.
Lance: As drummer I’m just in the background - keeping it all together. Without me HIGH 4 FEVER would not have been in existence.
What do you mean?
Lance: Well we wanted a completely new approach to our sound but at the time I was ill with mono at the time—
Matt: Ha ha I remember that! We couldn’t record without him—
Charr: —yes we could.
Matt: —So we had to wait for him to get over it. But when he did he came back the best we’ve ever seen him, making the band work even better than before.
Lance: I thought ‘Hey mono comes from kissing’ so why not combine that with the illness? And voila! HIGH 4 FEVER was born!
Time was running out for this reporter, so with one last question the boys made their final say.
Who are your favourite bands?
JD: ‘The Bugs’. Definitely. I just love their lyrics.
Lance: Yeah ‘The Bugs’ also. Their drummer is someone to aspire to.
Charr: Bringo Starre? Yeah he’s cool. My favourite band is ‘AD/CB’ though, because their rock really speaks to me and they have been a band for like ever, so I kinda want us to aspire to be like them.
Lance: That’s the most emotional you’ve ever been! Its touching really.
Charr: DON’T get used to it man.
Matt: Ha! We won’t. Mine would be the ‘Flying Cougars’, who are playing in April at the O2. I know the bassist.
Thank you for your time and I hope you have a blossoming career!
JD: Thank you!
Matt: Yeah thanks.
Lance: It was nice to meet you! See you around!
Charr: Yeah, hopefully they don’t annoy me in the coming years!
JD, Matt, Lance: HEY!
For the videoed interview go to:
Main body
Exclusive Bar
Layout finished, text to be written
Eleanor Wemyss
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