Saturday, 12 October 2013

Representation of Fans and Musicians of Rock

Representation of Fans and Musicians of Rock

The fans of rock music


Typical fans of rock

Graph regarding information about different music genre fans. From fan article 5.

The musicians of rock music



Singer, drummer and guitarist - their fashion, age, gender relating to their representation

Information from musician article 2


How are fans and musicians of the rock genre represented in modern life?
Fans of the rock genre are usually perceived as “rogue” and “dangerous” by the media through the use of news reports where gigs have gone riot or there has been gang violence. The attitude towards rockers links back to the rise of rock ‘n’ roll in the 1950s. In the 1950s rock was so revolutionary that people didn’t understand it so saw it as a way for the youth to rebel. In the 80s rock music was everywhere and still is today. The fans and musicians may have evolved but the music stays the same.

   Researchers have been showing for years that fans of rock are rebellious, boisterous and more likely to lead to violence and mayhem, but from a psychological viewpoint in recent years they are actually shown to be “quite gentle” (article 1) and tend to be “creative, but are often introverted and may suffer from low self-esteem”, the negative image they are presented as has derived from the fashions they wear and the content of the music as the bass can be quite harsh and elect a feeling of elation and sometimes anger.
Sub-genres of rock such as indie rock show a similar view as they typically “have low self-esteem, are creative, not hard working, and not gentle” though this contrasts against the different style of music compared to hard rock. (article 2) 
   Further research into rock fans from the opinions of 200 college students show that fans of the genre are less emotionally stable and agreeable that that of other genres but score high in their openness. (article 3) This is interesting to the representation of fans of the rock genre as they are still perceived as being out of control of their emotions but are open to new people and ideas, representing the freedom afforded to them through the music. 
   Of all the musicians of rock ‘The Beatles’ are probably one of the most celebrated as their music has touched the entire world and ‘the collective consciousness of several generations’ (article 6). They were seen as image makers and represented throughout the media as a class of music to be celebrated, the ‘four cheeky lads from Liverpool’ as they were effectively dubbed. They were so powerful they had “broken through second and third world censorship and regulations and set many millions free” just through the messages in their music. This is a positive representation of rock musicians in the media, though it has changed since the time of The Beatles.
   As seen in article 3 “Why do all rock stars die at age 27?” the article talks about how “sex, drugs – death – and rock” have all become factors in the negative representation of musicians of the genre. However the article then says “rock and roll is dead anyway”, which many fans would disagree with and the music sales show the real facts.
   Finally, the way a musician is presented links to their choice of instrument with drummers seen as “illiterate”, guitarists “posers”, bassists “ignorant and moody” and vocalists as “narcissistic and egocentric” (article 9) which is society's portrayal when in reality it is just a stereotype with little value in real information, though that is how it is perceived. This can be seen in covers of magazines such as this one;

Where the mise-en-scene reflects much about the model. Dave Grohl, lead vocalist of rock band ‘Foo Fighters’ is depicted here as angry with rumours and lies surrounding him. This is seen in his facial expression and also in the use of a red background. His costume is simple and links to the purple of the Marvel character ‘Hulk’ who is famous for his temper and shows to the audience the suffering he has had at the hands of the media. This shows that the stereotype of rock musicians being angry has some truth to it and is portrayed through their musical lyrics and sound. Though the stereotype is not true for a lot of them.

Overall fans and musicians of the rock genre have evolved in modern times seen in the media of articles and magazines representation. They are seen as unruly through the presentation of the media industry but from other points of view are actually calm and quiet people, thought heir music is their outlet for their worries and stress. The representation has changed from the beginning of the rock genre to now and will continue to change as the genre evolves into something new.
“Rock and roll keeps you in a constant state of juvenile delinquency.” (Eddie Spaghetti, 2000)

Eleanor Wemyss

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