Task 5: IPC Case Study
Case study in to the company IPC Media. IPC Media produces over 85 iconic media brands, with their print brands alone reaching almost two thirds of UK women and 44% of UK men - almost 27 million UK adults - while their online brands collectively reach 20 million users every month.
What types of magazine and target audiences has IPC been associated with over the years?
Since the 1800's IPC has been associated with a vast number of magazines, ranging from all genres. The first being 'The Field' in 1853 which consisted of countryside issues such as fishing, farming and hunting, aimed at men. IPC then went onto publications such as 'Country Life', 'Horse and Hound', 'Yachting World' and others in the late 1800's, all being centered around the same target audience. But in 1911 the first woman's magazine 'Woman's Weekly' was published, changing the target audience to not just men, but women as well. From the 1920's to the 1940's women's magazines became more frequent. Magazines such as; 'Woman's Own', 'Woman', 'Ideal Home' and 'Woman And Home' became popular. With 'NME' magazine beginning and publishing music charts, IPC had to change again the whole target audience it appealed to. In the 1990's 'Now' and other real life magazines were featured and created a new audience, leaving IPC with now three main target audiences; mass-market women, up-market women and men. However, with 'Nuts' being launched in the 2000's, then age and demographic of the men they appealed to, had to evolve. The target age generalised for IPC is the mature audiences above age 16 as the hobbies and interests featured are not suitable nor appealing to younger people.
Target Audiences:
Men= Leisure and lifestyle magazines
Mass-Market Women= Woman's weekly and TV magazines
Up-Market Women= Luxury fashion magazines, lifestlye and home interest.
Why might IPC be an appropriate publisher for a new music magazine?
What sorts of genres of music/types of magazines might they be likely to publish?
As they publish 'NME' magazine which is centered around rock music, IPC is more likely to publish those of the same genre as it is known to bring in a lot of revenue and audience's, as well as audience pleasure. As it is a niche market, a rock or indie music magazine will most likely be their choice of product or pop music as they have a strong and loyal fan base and IPC must be making money. As NME has been successful, they may be open to new music magazines to get the same reaction.
Why might alternative publishers like Bauer be appropriate?
Bauer has over 80 influential and well known brands and radio stations such as; Heat, GRAZIA, Closer, Match, Magic 105.4, Kiss 100, Kerrang and 4Music. Its business is "built on millions of personal relationships with engaged audiences" making it an ideal publisher for any music magazine that wants to appeal to a large audience. It features the best selling music magazine 'Q', 'Mojo' and 'Empire' highlighting how strong of a publisher it is as practically everyone can name one of their magazines. Wenner Media Inc. would also be a good publisher as they have published the music magazine 'Rolling Stone' which has 11 million viewers each week. Though Wenner Media would be unlikely to publish other music magazines due to its success with Rolling Stone. It has only two other publications. The publication 'Rhinegold Publishing' would be unlikely to publish a rock magazine, rather a piano or jazz, so appeals to new magazines of classical music/musicians.
By Eleanor WemyssMuse Cover: http://www.nme.com/images/gallery/NMEMuseFestCover210311.jpg
Bauer Logo: http://www.thedrum.com/uploads/news/old/23110/master.bauer_media.jpg
Q Cover: http://images.q4music.com/content/q/theqdaily/80x80/q317_cover_web.jpg
Bono Cover: http://www.theworldsbestever.com/2007/11/07/rollingStone-bono-cover.jpg
Rhinegold: http://www.londoninternationalpianosymposium.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/rhinegold-publishing-logo.jpg
Wenner Media: http://www.mediabistro.com/fishbowlny/files/2012/12/Wenner_logo_MD.gif
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